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Version History
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Gallery Slideshow
Team Table by Wins
Team Table by Legs
Team Table by Difference
Team Table by Wins (All Scores)
Singles Table by Wins
Singles Table by Legs
Singles Table by Handicap and Legs
All Player Stats
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Team Player Stats (1 game only)
Team Player Stats (2 games only)
Team Reserve Stats
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Knockout Draw
Double Eliminator Draw
Knockout Sessions
-- All --
League 24/25
League Cup 24/25
Major Cup 24/25
-- All --
Plate Quarter Final
Plate Playoff
Plate Final
Plate Semi Final
1st Round
Platter Final
Platter Semi Final
Semi Final
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Quarter Final
Platter Prelim Round
-- All --
A Green
A Moore
A Oily
Aaron Hawthorne
Aaron Mearna
Aaron Mearns
Aaron Moore
Aarron Mearns
Abbi James
Abby James
Adam Young
Aidan Denvir
Alan Carnduff
Alan Fisher
Alan Graham
Alan Hanna
Alan Kelly
Alan Marshall jnr
Alan Marshall snr
Alan Mccurry
Alan Moore
Alan Ringland
Albert Mccully
Aldo Alexander
Alex Babb
Alex Gibson
Alex Irwin
Alex Johnston
Alex Knox
Alex's Knox
Alfie O'Neill
Alfie Oneill
Alfie Oniel
Alison Dunbar
Allan Moore
Allan Pollock
Andrew Holt
Andrew Scholes
Andy Bailey
Andy Brown
Andy Holt
Andy Kerr
Andy Mac
Andy Macrory
Andy Mcgimpsey
Andy Mearns
Andy Metcalfe
Andy Murray
Andy Murry
Andy Plackitt
Andy Scholes
B Burch
B Connor
B Connors
B Dineley
B Mcferran
Barney Z
Ben Groves
Ben Irwin
Ben Nesbitt
Ben Rutherford
Benny Nesbitt
Betty Wallace
Billy Mccormick
Billy Mcgregor
Billy Mcquaid
Billy Mcquaide
Billy Morgan
Billy Strain
Billy Tate
Bobby Lamb
Bobby Malcolm
Borly Borly
Bradley Telford
Brain Burch
Brandon Mcferran
Brian Birch
Brian Burch
Brian Campbell
Brian Cleland
Brian Conner
Brian Connor
Brian Connor.
Brian Crilly
Brian Richardson
C Dickson
C Dougan
C Mcferran
Callum Cairns
Calvin Adams
Cameron Henderson
Carl Kerr
Carson White
Charlie Houston
Charlie Miller
Cheryl Taylor
Chloe Bailie
Chloe Elizabeth
Chris Cook
Chris Dawson
Chris Johnston
Chris Jones
Chris Mccurry
Chris Miskimmen
Chris Murray
Chris Ross
Chris Sittlington
Chrissy Green
Christopher Dawson
Cirtess Laffin
Clifford Healy
Colin Adair
Colin Blair
Colin Moore
Colin Skinner
Colin Taylor
Comedine Withme
Connor Miller
Corey Walker
Craig Burns
Craig Dickson
Craig Gordon
Craig Ireland
Craig Robertson
Craig Robinson
Craig Robson
Curtess Laffin
Curtis Ackerman
Curtis Houston
Curtis Laffin
D Massey
D Mcdonald
Dale Barker
Daley Carnduff
Daniel Edgeworth
Daniel K
Daniel Kirk
Darren Currie
Darren Sterret
Darren Sterrett
David Gilpin
David Graham
David Groves
David Majury
David Mcmanus
David Patterson
David Shaw
David Thompson
Davy Boyd
Davy Gardener
Davy Jones
Davy Mac
Davy Majury
Davy Mcdade
Davy Milligan
Davy Moore
Davy Murdoch
Davy Palmer
Davy Shaw
Davy Swaffield
Davy Thompson
Davy Whitesocks
Debbie Murphy
Debbie S
Debs Kelly
Dee Blair
Dee Spence
Denise Olone
Dessy Graham
Downey Trevor
Drew Mcknight
Dylan Mcgrady
Dylan Morrow
Dylan Swindle
Eddie Coulter
Eddie Graham
Eddie Mcclenghan
Eddie Mclenghan
Elise Richardson
Emma Louise
Emma Service
Eoin Mounsey
Essay Essay
Eugene Rafferty
Ewan Duckett
Fasthands .
Fasthands ...
Francis Wilson
Frank Renalds
Frank Reynolds
G Cheevers
G Ferguson
G Pollock
Gareth Grattan
Gareth Jones
Gareth Mccullough
Garru Bell
Garry Bell
Gary B
Gary Bell
Gary Brown
Gary Houston
Gary Jameson
Gary Jamison
Gary Kelly
Gary Mccully
Gary Patterson
Gary Robinson
Gary White
Gary Wylie
Geoff Baile
Geoff Bailie
George Dineley
George Mcelveen
George Tierney
George Williams
Georgie Pollock
Glen Baxter
Glenn O'Neill
Gordon Kelly
Grace Boyd
Graeme .
Graeme Browne
Graeme Larmour
Graeme Mckeag
Graham Browne
Graham Cambell
Graham Dorrian
Graham Mccormick
Greame Brown
Greame Browne
Greame Mckeag
Greg Holaseter
Harry Bickerstaff
Harry Cowan
Harry Mccarrol
Harry Pyper
Herbie Oneill
Herbie Oniell
Hugh Regan
Ian Aitken
Ian Burch
Ian Davidson
Irvine Haliday
Irvine Halliday
Ivan Mcaleer
J Hill
J M c ferran
J Smyth
J Tate
J Ward
Jaime Coulter
Jake Doherty
Jake Mccready
James Caughey
James Crockard
James Crossan
James King
James Mckeag
James Mullan
James O'Neill
James Oneill
Jamesy Mullan
Jamie Bailie
Jamie Coulter
Jamie Mccune
Jamie Mcknight
Jan Orr
Jason Crawford
Jason Creighton
Jason Hefferan
Jason Heffron
Jason Horner
Jason Savage
Jay Crawford
Jay Hill
Jay Olone
Jay Savage
Jay Stewart
Jeff Bailie
Jeff Magorman
Jeff Mccormick
Jeff Mcgorman
Jim Donnan
Jim Hill
Jim Toner
Jim Waterson
Jim Watterson
Joanne Podbylski
Joe Mcglengahan
John Bailie
John Ballie
John Bostock
John Bradley
John Brown
John Bunting
John Carnduff
John Ferran
John Heaney
John Heany
John Hendry
John Lockye
John Mccully
John Mcferran
John Mcready
John Robinson
John Rodgers
John Smith
John Stewart
John Williamson
John Z
Johnboy Marshall
Johnny Andrews
Johnny Bailie
Johnny Carolyn
Johnny Cooke
Johnny Dorrian
Johnny Graham
Johnny jwg Graham
Johnny Lemon
Johnny Loughey
Johnny Mcclug
Jojo Piscoski
Jonathan Long
Jonny Andrews
Jonny Caralon
Jonny Carolyn
Jonny Giles
Jonny Graham
Jonny Lemon
Jonny Tate
Jonny Wylie
Jordan Baker
Jordan Mccbride
Jordan Mckee
Josh Thompson
Jude Dunne
Justy Kerr
K Lennon
Karl Gordon
Keith Malcomsom
Kelly Spiers
Ken Reid
Kenny Skelton
Kevin Orr
Kim Dockery
Kurtis Mccord
Kyle Leddy
Kyle Mccaughey
Kyle Shields
Lee Agnew
Lee Crawford
Lee Mcclenchan
Lee Miller
Leigh Gourley
Lewis Duff
Lucas Scott
Luke Scott
Lyndsey Gardner
Lynn Robert
M Brookes
M Fitzsimmons
M Johnson
M Mc gann
M Somers
Mad dawg Christian
Malcolm Jones
Mark Campbell
Mark Corry
Mark Crichton
Mark Davidson
Mark Davison
Mark Liddell
Mark Marsh
Mark Miller
Martin Christian
Martin Coney
Martin Whinnery
Marty Coney
Marty Mcgrath
Mathew Startin
Matt Boreland
Matt Mccullough
Matthew Borland
Matthew Kane
Matthew Mccauley
Matthew Patton
Matthew Startin
Matty S
Matty Startin
Matty Wylie
Max Shaw
Michael Fry
Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
Michael Mcbride
Michael Mearns
Micheal Mcbride
Mike Mearns
Munn Willy
N Smith
N Smyth
Nathan Agnew
Nathan Kirk
Nathan Mccauley
Nathan Mcclure
Nathan Miskimmin
Neale Fergie
Nial Gibson
Niall Mccarthy
Nicky Rutherford
Nigel Smith
Norman Ferguson
Norny Ferguson
Owen Craig
P Shaw
Paul Cain
Paul Caldwell
Paul Duff
Paul Greer
Paul Mcdowell
Paul Mcmullan
Paul Mooney
Paul Nelson
Paul O'Neill
Paul Oneill
Paul Piper
Paul Rafferty
Paul Robson
Paul Tremlate
Paul Tremlett
Paul Uprichard
Paul Wightman
Paul Withers
Pete Crowe
Peter Cairns
Peter Crowe
Peter Gordan
Peter Gordon
Peter Greer
Peter Jones
Peter Leddy
Peter Mccloy
Peter Murray
Phil Rainey
Phil Reid
Phil Sibley
Philip Girvan
Philip Sibley
Phillip Caffolla
Phillip Cafolla
R Beck
R Graham
R Malcolm
R Mc donald
R Mc kitterick
R Mckitterick
R Moore
R Wilson
Rab Montgomery
Ray Alexander
Ray Mcilroy
Raymond Pollock
Raymond Potter
Rebecca Cummings
Reece Atkinson
Reece Atkison
Reggie Mcdonald
Richard Hanson
Richard Madden
Richard Mccauley
Rickie Stewart
Ricky Crooke
Ricky Onill
Ricky Waite
Robbie Malcolm
Robbie Mulligan
Robert Bowman
Robert Cairns
Robert Lynn
Robert Malcolm
Robert Piper
Robert Ross
Robert White
Rodney Patterson
Roman Mccarthy
Ronnie Carser
Ross Johnston
Ross Mackay
Ross Mccullough
Ross Mckay
Ross Stevenson
Ross Young
Rossi .
Rossi M
Rossi Moore
Rossy Moore
Roy Irvine
Roy Nesbitt
Roy White
Ryan Blythe
Ryan Graham
Ryan Hughes
Ryan Mccartan
Ryan Mccarten
Ryan Mccullough
Ryan Murphy
Ryan P
Ryan Patterson
Ryan Preston
Ryan Thompson
Ryan Tuley
Ryan Turley
S Beattie
S Talbot
Sally Caughey
Sam Bowers
Sam Charlton
Sam Mcalllister
Sam Newell
Sam Peacock
Sam Wallace
Sammy Swindle
Sandy Stewart
Scott Agnew
Scott Beattie
Scott Crawford
Scott Gordon
Scott Lowey
Scott Maxwell
Scott Mcclure
Scott Youll
Shay Oneill
Shelley Crawford
Sid .
Sid ..
Simon Hogg
Simon Mckibben
Simon Mckibbin
Simon Mckibbon
Simon Savage
Skeats Mccready
Stacey Spiers
Stephen a Ward
Stephen Conn
Stephen Ferris
Stephen Greer
Stephen Hinds
Stephen Mcclean
Stephen Savage
Stephen Walsh
Stephen Ward
Sterling Groves
Steven Crawford
Steven Hinds
Steven Mckeag
Steven Talbot
Steven Walsh
Stevie Barry
Stevie Greer
Stevie Strain
Stewart Beattie
Stewart Campbell
Stewart Ferguson
Stewarty Beattie
Stuart Dalzell
Stuart Goode
Stuart Mcbride
Stuart Ritchie
Susan Graham
T Ringland
Tanya Beattie
Taylor Rollo
Terry B
Terry Mcdowell
Thomas Mcchesney
Thomas Mcchesny
Thomas Mccullough
Thomas Mcgee
Thomas Taylor
Thompson Steven
Tim Bailie
Tom Bowman
Tom Legget
Tom Leggett
Tom Mcchesney
Tom Palmer
Tom Porter
Tom Ritchie
Tremayne Beattie
Trevor Devlin
Trevor Patterson
Trevor Wylie
Tyler Mccaughey
Vic Hull
Vic Kashyap
Vic Pollock
Victor Pollock
W Mcmullan
W Rainey
Ward Jamie
Warren Miskimmen
Warren Miskimmin
Warren Reid
Warren Stokes
Wayne Totten
Wayne Totton
Wes Plummer
William Haliday
William Halliday
William Houston
William Mcmullan
William Sweetlove
William White
Willie Lowes
Willy Atkinson
Willy Fasthands
Willy Kelly
Wylie Jonny
Z Turnball
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