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Version History
News Reel
Gallery Slideshow
Team Table by Wins
Team Table by Legs
Team Table by Difference
Team Table by Wins (All Scores)
Singles Table by Wins
Singles Table by Legs
Singles Table by Handicap and Legs
All Player Stats
Team Player Stats
Team Player Stats (1 game only)
Team Player Stats (2 games only)
Team Reserve Stats
Team Doubles Stats
Team Player Appearances
Reverse Dish
Team Player Stats (inc non active)
Team Player Stats (with Merit)
Team Fixtures
Singles Fixtures
All Fixtures
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Live Leaderboard
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App Guide
Knockout Setup Guide
Knockout Draw
Double Eliminator Draw
Knockout Sessions
-- All --
5 Man Team Groups
Knockout Cup
League Cup
League Plate
-- All --
5 man
9 man
League Cup
League 2023/24
League Plate
Memorial Cup
League 2024/25
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Group E
Group F
Group G
Group H
-- All --
Adam Chapman
Adam Craig
Alan Craig
Alan Greg
Alan Kinmont
Alan McDonald
Alastair Lyons
Alec Main Jr
Alex Connor
Alex Main
Alex Riddell
Alex Struthers
Andrew Gardener
Andrew Quinn
Andy Biggam
Andy Clyde
Andy Miller
Angus Cockburn
Anton Wilson
Anton Wilson
Archie Brown
Barry McIlwraith
Baxter John
Bert McAdam
Billy Hilson
Billy Neil
Billy Patterson
Brian Docherty
Brian Garraton
Brian Jenkins
Brian Robertson
Bruce Johnston
Calum Craven
Calum Forest
Calum Kerrigan
Cammy Buchanan
Charlie Traynor
Chick McWhirter
Chris Dryden
Chris Glendinning
Chris Kerr
Chris McLaughlin
Chris Sheehan
Connor Brown
Craig Cameron
Craig Hardisty
Craig Martin
Craig Mazza
Craig Mills
Craig Murray
Damian O'Rourke
Darren Greer
David Blakeway
David Higgins
Davie Merry
Davie Reid
Declan Screen
Denis Masterson
Derek Cubis
Derek Faulkner
Derek Stewart
Derek Welsh
Drew Duncan
Drew Maloney
Duncan Smith
Duncan Smith
Duncan Smith
Dylan Mackie
Edward Cassiday
Fraser Campbell
Garry Dunn
Garry Hughes
Garry Martin
Gary Dunn
Gary Fullerton
Gary Jordon
Gary Martin
Gary Mullen
Gary Murphy
Gary Parvin
Gary Prichard
Gary Watson
Gary Watson
George Henderson
George Martin
George McKenzie
Gerard McMahon
Gerry Baird
Gerry Baldwin
Gerry Purdie
Gerry Quigley
Gerry Semple
Gordon Beekman
Graeme Hardie
Graeme Hardie
Graeme Hardie
Grant Morrison
Grant Snow
Grant Snow
Grant Snow
Gregg McMillan
Hugh Cullen
Hugh Macpherson
Iain Wilson
Ian McMillan
Ian Somerville
Ian Weir
Jack Aikman
Jack Craig
James Buchanan
James Buchannan
James Johnston
James Johnston
James Johnston
James McGuinness
Jamie Cairns
Jamie Callan
Jamie Cowan
Jamie McCutcheon
Jamie McKecknie
Jamie McPherson
Jamie McPherson Junior
Jamie Wharrie
Jay Copland
Jim McGeary
Jim Mullen
Jim Stephen
Jim Wellcoat
Joe Badrock
Joe Conoboy
John Baxter
John Brown
John Brownlie
John Burns
John Campbell
John Douglas
John Glassford
John Glendinning
John Kerr
John MacFarlane
John Maguire
John Martin
John Mcdermott
John McLean
John Morrison
John Murphy
John Owen
John Quinn
John Reid
John Reid
John Reid
John Scott
Johnny Hamilton
Johnny Hamilton
Johnny McDermid
Jon Hendry
Jordan Dick
Jordan Graham
Jordan Welsh
Jorge Poland
Keith Mcilroy
Kevin Breen
Kevin Coyle
Kevin Monaghan
Kevin Rae
Kieran Cubis
Kieran Cubis
Kieran Cubis
Kieran Mearns
Kristopher Walker
Kyle Weir
Liam Crowe
Liam McKay
Liam Mcmillan
Liam Welsh
Lochlane Black
Logan Davidson
Luke Hargan
Mark Beggy
Mark Henderson
Mark Lynch
Mark Mccallum
Mark Nailen
Mark Williams
Martin Frew
Martin Keenan
Martin Smith
Matt Currie
Michael O Shea
Mick Crielly
Nathan Murray
Nathan Trotter
Norrie Hughes
Owen Thomson
Paddy McAllister
Paddy Sullivan
Pat O'Rourke
Paul Boyle
Paul Crawford
Paul Finnon
Paul Glenn
Paul Henderson
Paul Hendry
Paul Kilpatrick
Paul McIntyre
Paul McNeil
Paul Willis
Peter Meechan
Rab Richardson
Reagan Smith
Rex Brady
Robert Clark
Robert Curran
Robert Douglas
Robert Edment
Robert Falconer
Robert Thompson
Robert Williams
Robin Johnston
Ross Ewan
Roy English
Ryan Kells
Ryan Morsfall
Sammy Reid
Scott Alexander
Scott Butcher
Scott Eadie
Scott Ingram
Scott Kippen
Scott Lockens
Scott McEwan
Sean Hargan
Sean Kelly
Sean Mcgiff
Shug McPherson
Steffan Mccarrison
Stephen Brown
Stephen Devine
Stephen Grant
Stephen Howley
Steven McGhee
Stevie Boylan
Stevie Walker
Stewart Smith
Stuart Johnston
Stuart Ross
Tam Aitchison
Tam Crash mccallum
Tam McCallum
Tam Mccallum
Taylor Gray
Ted Bishop
Thomas Darroch
Thomas McWhirter
Thomas Murray
Tony Coyle
Tony Coyle
Tony Mcluskey
Tony Reynolds
Tony Reynolds
Walter Edment
Wattie Melville
William Hill
William McCall
William McDonald
William Wallace Jnr
Willie Bell
Willie Brandon
Willie Brandon
Willie Cunningham
Wullie Brown
Wullie Young
Zak Torbett
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