Licenced until 31st December 2020
Need help with LeagueAppLive? Please only call or text John if urgent. Email
and either John or David will get back to you as soon as possible.
(January 2020)
1. All matches will be played to World Rules.
2. Teams may only cancel league matches in extreme circumstances and must gain permission from the Secretary, Dave Wileman (07446 882192), at least 24 hours prior to the match. Teams limited to 2 cancellations per season.
3. Any cancelled match must be played within 28 days of the original date and must not extend beyond the final date at the end of the season.
4. Matches to consist of 5 singles followed by another 5 singles. Teams containing only 4 players forfeit frame No.5 & 10. Any player can play once in each half of the match.
5. All matches start at 8.15pm
6. The home team shall fill in the result card first, 5 singles at the start of the match. The remaining 5 singles to be filled in after frame 5. All games to be continuous.
7. In all competitions home player or team responsible for table costs.
8. The home team shall break in frames 1,3,5,7,9
9. The away team shall referee all games. Any team wishing to apply the ONE MINUTE RULE may do so provided they inform the opposing captain before the start of the match.
10. Any player wishing to sign on may do so by texting the Secretary or by writing the players name on the back of the result card.
11. Once a player has played for one team they may NOT transfer to another team during that season except in special circumstances when the committee agree to the transfer. A transfer fee of £10 will apply in these instances.
12. If a team fails to attend a fixture the opponents will be awarded a 10-0 victory.
13. Any team defaulting a fixture will be fined £10 and deducted 2 points. 2 defaults in the same season and teams are liable to be expelled from the league. It is your duty when entering the league to fulfil all your fixtures.
14 If a team withdraws before playing every opponent once, all results will be removed. If they played everyone during the first half season, results from first half will stand. If they withdraw during last 2 weeks then all results will stand, and remaining opponents awarded a 10-0 victory. Offending teams and their players will be penalised.
15 Promotion and relegation is usually 2 up 2 down but the committee reserve the right to adjust this dependent upon entries the following season.
16 In league matches, 2 points will be awarded for a win or 1 point each for a draw. Legs will count to separate teams on the same points.
17 If there is a tie on points and legs at the end of the season a play off will be arranged.
18 The Div ko is a straight ko best of 10 frames on one night with the team drawn out first playing at home. If the score is 5-5 then the captain nominates one player for a sudden death play off. Toss of coin decides the break in a play off frame.
19 Div K.o. Final is played over 2 legs, home and away. The result is decided by the aggregate score over 20 frames. If the score is 10-10 then each captain nominates one player for a sudden death play off. Toss of coin decides the break in a play off.
20. In all league matches and knockouts, the winning team should text the result to: 07446 882192 immediately after the match.
. If the match is drawn 5-5 then the home team are responsible.
Result cards should be sent to the secretary by photo message or Whatsapp.
1 All entrants must play in a minimum of 3 league matches in the first half of the season otherwise they face disqualification.
2. All games to be played ON or BEFORE the date specified. If a date cannot be mutually agreed, the match must be played on the specified date. There will be no exceptions to this rule except in extreme circumstances where the committee give permission.
3. If a match is re-arranged the new date and time is binding and any player not turning up at the correct time will be eliminated.
4. In Doubles matches, players may only confer for 30 seconds at the start of their visit.
As we are now playing Scotch Doubles, each player within your pair will play alternate shots but there is still no talking during a visit.(except immediately after the break)
Although it is unlikely that a referee or timekeeper will be present in most doubles matches, you are entitled to ask your opponents to stop talking when they are clearly taking more than the permitted time. Only the player in control may touch the table.
5. Players drawn out first will play at home except in the Final.
6. Early rounds are best of 5 frames. QF,SF and FINAL are best of 9 frames
7. Players must be ready to start no later than 9pm
8. The winning player/s must text result to (07446 882192) immediately after the match.