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Release 2.34

Added new options for Darts, Also removed the website link (due to Google Play's crazy policies)


Release 2.33

Bug Fixes

Release 2.32

Now highlights the player who did a "Break and Dish" or "9 Marks"

Release 2.28

Fixed Set locking issue

Release 2.27

Fixed Sport game text for single matches

Release 2.26

Fixed issue with messaging from Admin and automatic score updates

Release 2.25

Match selection now highlights Knockout matches
Add a "All Done" button to singles/doubles matches

Release 2.22

Sets now added to singles matches and photos to team matches.

Release 2.21

Fix taking photo issues.

Release 2.20

Added features including taking photos for player in singles matches, more colours in team matches.

Release 2.10

Changed updates to seperate Android and iOS.

Release 2.07

Fix for updating and notification issues.

Release 2.05

Fix for Set Locking Issue.

Release 2.04

Colours are back, added support for 'Triples', Leg scores shown in multi-leg matches, Help screen added.

Release 2.01

New Look version, major overhaul, many new features introduced.

Release 1.50

Players can now play in multiple teams in the same league.

Release 1.49

Minor tweaks and fixs

Release 1.48

Added Highest Checkout and 180s for Darts and Forfeit for Snooker.

Release 1.47

Added Multi-Leg scoring added for each game in a team match

Release 1.46

Fixed Advert download issue.

Release 1.45

Re-designed the whole admin system, new menus laid out in a more logical order.

New "Create Competition" function add to create complete leagues and knockout competitions using a simple step-by-step system.

Added the "Website" button to access your sites'' webpages.

Release 1.44

Added High Breaks for Snooker Team Players.

Release 1.43

Added Date/Time to the list of matches.
Fixed Doubles player showing issue.


I am sure you are well aware of the GDPR changes coming into force.
LeagueAppLive stores personal data for your league.
You should inform each player in your league of what personal information you record (email, DOB, Address etc)
Please be assured that Sapphire Solutions Ltd. (LeagueAppLive) does not use this information in any way, this is you data for your own leagues use.
Data is password protected.

Release 1.42

Now allows you to lock each set without need a full set of players

Release 1.41

New App now called "LeagueAppLive"
This now replaces "PoolAppLive", "SnookerAppLive" and "DartsAppLive" into one single container App.

Release 1.33

New functionality to show players' images during singles matches.

New Paypal Team or Player Registration functionality added (Requires Paypal options Instant Payment Notification, Auto return and Payment Data Transfer to be setup)

Players can now be in multiple teams (select team(s) in the Player's table using the new 'View Teams' option)

Release 1.27

Set locking added. If selected for a competition you will have to lock each set before players are revealed and scores can be entered. Unlocking only when both teams unlock.

Referee, Team or Player Notifications can be sent from the Administrator (Users needs to allow notifications).

Automatic updates for both Home and Away now using sync notifications (Users needs to allow notifications).

Release 1.26

Sponsor Adverts (subscription required) now available.

Player photos can now be added to identify players if required.

Active flag in Players and Teams to disable a Play or Team if they withdraw from the league.

"Referee required" notifications using login passcode "000000"

Release 1.25

Minimum App version is now set to 1.25, please ensure all users update to the latest release.

Intelligent Delete now added to each table

New flag in Competitions to select competitions format as "League" , "Knockout" or "Double Eliminator"

Filters for each competition selection will now only show the relevant competitions of that format.

Match format (Division) now selected for each round in Knockouts and Double Eliminators

Improved layouts for Double Elimintor Knockouts
Improved fixture generator to allow for shared venues in two different divisions.

Release 1.24

Fixtures now shown in date order only.
Finish now only on the login screen.

Release 1.23

Timings on each match now shown.
Call a Referee button added for Tournaments.