Date | Time | Home | Away | Venue | Tables |
27-09-2024 | 20:45 | St Theresa's Wanderers | Bye | St Theresa's Club | |
27-09-2024 | 20:45 | Varyl Begg Warriors | Bye | Varyl Begg Social Club | |
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04-10-2024 | 20:45 | Bye | St Theresa's B & Ub | | | 04-10-2024 | 20:45 | Bye | VB Wanderers | | |
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11-10-2024 | 20:45 | College 501 | Bye | College Club | | 11-10-2024 | 20:45 | Trafalgar Sports Bar | Bye | Trafalgar Sports Bar | |
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25-10-2024 | 20:45 | Bye | Warriors of Charlie's | | | 25-10-2024 | 20:45 | Bye | Hackney Carriage Warriors | | |
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01-11-2024 | 20:45 | College Plater | Bye | College Club. | | 01-11-2024 | 20:45 | Glacis Bad Boys | Bye | Glacis Social Club | |
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15-11-2024 | 20:45 | Bye | St Theresa's Wanderers | | | 15-11-2024 | 20:45 | Bye | Varyl Begg Warriors | | |
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06-12-2024 | 20:45 | College Plater | Hackney Carriage Warriors | College Club. | | 06-12-2024 | 20:45 | St Theresa's B & Ub | Bye | St Theresa's Club | |
06-12-2024 | 20:45 | VB Wanderers | Bye | Varyl Begg Social Club | |
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10-01-2025 | 20:45 | Bye | Trafalgar Sports Bar | | | 10-01-2025 | 20:45 | Bye | College 501 | | |
10-01-2025 | 20:45 | Warriors of Charlie's | St Theresa's B & Ub | Charlie's Tavern | |
10-01-2025 | 20:45 | Hackney Carriage Warriors | VB Wanderers | Hackney Carriage | |
10-01-2025 | 20:45 | St Theresa's Wanderers | Glacis Bad Boys | St Theresa's Club | |
10-01-2025 | 20:45 | Varyl Begg Warriors | College Plater | Varyl Begg Social Club | |
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17-01-2025 | 20:45 | Warriors of Charlie's | Bye | Charlie's Tavern | | 17-01-2025 | 20:45 | College Plater | Trafalgar Sports Bar | College Club. | |
17-01-2025 | 20:45 | Glacis Bad Boys | College 501 | Glacis Social Club | |
17-01-2025 | 20:45 | Hackney Carriage Warriors | Bye | Hackney Carriage | |
17-01-2025 | 20:45 | St Theresa's B & Ub | St Theresa's Wanderers | St Theresa's Club | |
17-01-2025 | 20:45 | VB Wanderers | Varyl Begg Warriors | Varyl Begg Social Club | |
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31-01-2025 | 20:45 | Bye | Glacis Bad Boys | | | 31-01-2025 | 20:45 | Bye | College Plater | | |
31-01-2025 | 20:45 | College 501 | St Theresa's B & Ub | College Club | |
31-01-2025 | 20:45 | St Theresa's Wanderers | Warriors of Charlie's | St Theresa's Club | |
31-01-2025 | 20:45 | Trafalgar Sports Bar | VB Wanderers | Trafalgar Sports Bar | |
31-01-2025 | 20:45 | Varyl Begg Warriors | Hackney Carriage Warriors | Varyl Begg Social Club | |
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21-02-2025 | 20:45 | College 501 | Warriors of Charlie's | College Club | | 21-02-2025 | 20:45 | College Plater | VB Wanderers | College Club. | |
21-02-2025 | 20:45 | Glacis Bad Boys | St Theresa's B & Ub | Glacis Social Club | |
21-02-2025 | 20:45 | St Theresa's Wanderers | Bye | St Theresa's Club | |
21-02-2025 | 20:45 | Trafalgar Sports Bar | Hackney Carriage Warriors | Trafalgar Sports Bar | |
21-02-2025 | 20:45 | Varyl Begg Warriors | Bye | Varyl Begg Social Club | |
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28-02-2025 | 20:45 | Bye | VB Wanderers | | | 28-02-2025 | 20:45 | Bye | St Theresa's B & Ub | | |
28-02-2025 | 20:45 | Warriors of Charlie's | Glacis Bad Boys | Charlie's Tavern | |
28-02-2025 | 20:45 | Hackney Carriage Warriors | College Plater | Hackney Carriage | |
28-02-2025 | 20:45 | St Theresa's Wanderers | College 501 | St Theresa's Club | |
28-02-2025 | 20:45 | Varyl Begg Warriors | Trafalgar Sports Bar | Varyl Begg Social Club | |
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14-03-2025 | 20:45 | College 501 | Bye | College Club | | 14-03-2025 | 20:45 | College Plater | Varyl Begg Warriors | College Club. | |
14-03-2025 | 20:45 | Glacis Bad Boys | St Theresa's Wanderers | Glacis Social Club | |
14-03-2025 | 20:45 | St Theresa's B & Ub | Warriors of Charlie's | St Theresa's Club | |
14-03-2025 | 20:45 | Trafalgar Sports Bar | Bye | Trafalgar Sports Bar | |
14-03-2025 | 20:45 | VB Wanderers | Hackney Carriage Warriors | Varyl Begg Social Club | |
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21-03-2025 | 20:45 | Bye | Warriors of Charlie's | | | 21-03-2025 | 20:45 | Bye | Hackney Carriage Warriors | | |
21-03-2025 | 20:45 | College 501 | Glacis Bad Boys | College Club | |
21-03-2025 | 20:45 | St Theresa's Wanderers | St Theresa's B & Ub | St Theresa's Club | |
21-03-2025 | 20:45 | Trafalgar Sports Bar | College Plater | Trafalgar Sports Bar | |
21-03-2025 | 20:45 | Varyl Begg Warriors | VB Wanderers | Varyl Begg Social Club | |
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28-03-2025 | 20:45 | Warriors of Charlie's | St Theresa's Wanderers | Charlie's Tavern | | 28-03-2025 | 20:45 | College Plater | Bye | College Club. | |
28-03-2025 | 20:45 | Glacis Bad Boys | Bye | Glacis Social Club | |
28-03-2025 | 20:45 | Hackney Carriage Warriors | Varyl Begg Warriors | Hackney Carriage | |
28-03-2025 | 20:45 | St Theresa's B & Ub | College 501 | St Theresa's Club | |
28-03-2025 | 20:45 | VB Wanderers | Trafalgar Sports Bar | Varyl Begg Social Club | |
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04-04-2025 | 20:45 | Bye | Varyl Begg Warriors | | | 04-04-2025 | 20:45 | Bye | St Theresa's Wanderers | | |
04-04-2025 | 20:45 | Warriors of Charlie's | College 501 | Charlie's Tavern | |
04-04-2025 | 20:45 | Hackney Carriage Warriors | Trafalgar Sports Bar | Hackney Carriage | |
04-04-2025 | 20:45 | St Theresa's B & Ub | Glacis Bad Boys | St Theresa's Club | |
04-04-2025 | 20:45 | VB Wanderers | College Plater | Varyl Begg Social Club | |
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11-04-2025 | 20:45 | College 501 | St Theresa's Wanderers | College Club | | 11-04-2025 | 20:45 | College Plater | Hackney Carriage Warriors | College Club. | |
11-04-2025 | 20:45 | Glacis Bad Boys | Warriors of Charlie's | Glacis Social Club | |
11-04-2025 | 20:45 | St Theresa's B & Ub | Bye | St Theresa's Club | |
11-04-2025 | 20:45 | Trafalgar Sports Bar | Varyl Begg Warriors | Trafalgar Sports Bar | |
11-04-2025 | 20:45 | VB Wanderers | Bye | Varyl Begg Social Club | |
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25-04-2025 | 20:45 | Bye | College 501 | | | 25-04-2025 | 20:45 | Bye | Trafalgar Sports Bar | | |
25-04-2025 | 20:45 | Warriors of Charlie's | St Theresa's B & Ub | Charlie's Tavern | |
25-04-2025 | 20:45 | Hackney Carriage Warriors | VB Wanderers | Hackney Carriage | |
25-04-2025 | 20:45 | St Theresa's Wanderers | Glacis Bad Boys | St Theresa's Club | |
25-04-2025 | 20:45 | Varyl Begg Warriors | College Plater | Varyl Begg Social Club | |
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02-05-2025 | 20:45 | Warriors of Charlie's | Bye | Charlie's Tavern | | 02-05-2025 | 20:45 | College Plater | Trafalgar Sports Bar | College Club. | |
02-05-2025 | 20:45 | Glacis Bad Boys | College 501 | Glacis Social Club | |
02-05-2025 | 20:45 | Hackney Carriage Warriors | Bye | Hackney Carriage | |
02-05-2025 | 20:45 | St Theresa's B & Ub | St Theresa's Wanderers | St Theresa's Club | |
02-05-2025 | 20:45 | VB Wanderers | Varyl Begg Warriors | Varyl Begg Social Club | |
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09-05-2025 | 20:45 | Bye | College Plater | | | 09-05-2025 | 20:45 | Bye | Glacis Bad Boys | | |
09-05-2025 | 20:45 | College 501 | St Theresa's B & Ub | College Club | |
09-05-2025 | 20:45 | St Theresa's Wanderers | Warriors of Charlie's | St Theresa's Club | |
09-05-2025 | 20:45 | Trafalgar Sports Bar | VB Wanderers | Trafalgar Sports Bar | |
09-05-2025 | 20:45 | Varyl Begg Warriors | Hackney Carriage Warriors | Varyl Begg Social Club | |